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[AUDITORY] One fully-funded PhD position at KTH, Stockholm. Deadline: 5 may 2023

Dear all,


This is the first reminder of the following position.

One fully-funded PhD position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


The deadline for the position is 5 May 2023


This project is part of the EU MSCA Doctoral Network “Lullabyte” (https://lullabyte.de) which, for the first time, brings together leading researchers from sound and music computing, musicology, sleep research, neuroscience and computer science to study the relation between sound, music and sleep.
In the network, 10 Doctoral Candidates will be trained in a radically interdisciplinary research field, and acquire in-depth skills relevant for academia, industry, and the cultural sector. 

Leveraging state-of-the-art neuroscience laboratories, big sleep datasets gathered with wearable technology, and on our research on sonic interaction design and sonification, in this project we will develop novel sonic interactive applications that promote healthy sleeping behaviours.

This PhD position includes secondments with Miriam Akkermann (TU Dresden, Germany) and Thomas Andrillon (Brain Institute Paris, France) to deepen our understanding of sleep data.

Additionally, the Lullabyte Network will provide summer schools and other satellite events with trainers from the industry and the arts.


To apply see: https://www.kth.se/en/om/work-at-kth/lediga-jobb/what:job/jobID:616599/where:4/  


For further information, do not hesitate to contact me at pauletto@xxxxxx


Best Wishes,

Dr Sandra Pauletto

Associate Professor in Media Production

Docent in Sound and Music Computing

Associate Director for Mobility at Digital Futures

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Web: https://www.kth.se/profile/pauletto

Email: pauletto@xxxxxx