On behalf of my colleagues Yuri Pavlov and Faisal Mushtaq: The #EEGManyLabs consortium will be recruiting for 2 postdoctoral researchers for this international multi-lab replication, project to be based in Leeds, UK, in the very near future. One role (36 months full time) is centred on supporting the delivery of all our replications, harmonisation, and our "meta-projects". The second (33 months, full time) is focussed on leveraging our collective efforts to create open-source tools for the community. If this sounds interesting to you, or somebody you know, please forward to them/get in touch with Faisal Mushtaq (f.mushtaq@xxxxxxxxxxx). For more information on the project, please read this paper we wrote foreshadowing our in progress efforts to replicate several handfuls of influential EEG studies https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010945221001106. Not surprisingly, a lot of these studies use visual stimuli, rather than auditory stimuli, but I’m sure anyone with good EEG and/or data analysis skills would be strongly considered. Best Wishes, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel S. Snyder, Ph.D. (he/him/his) Professor of Psychology Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Mail Stop 5030 Las Vegas, NV 89154-5030 Telephone: (702) 895-4692 Email: joel.snyder@xxxxxxxx http://www.unlv.edu/people/joel-snyder http://faculty.unlv.edu/jsnyder https://stemmentor.epscorspo.nevada.edu/mentor/joel-snyder/ |