Sensory interactions in digital and virtual realities: new frontiers for the user experience Deadline: May 2023. == Dear colleagues, Apologies for cross posting. Together with Gaelle Pantin-Sohier (IAE Angers, France), Pierferice Rosatto (Uniba, Italy), and Raffaele Campo (Uniba, Italy), we are organizing a special issue on "Sensory Interactions in Digital and Virtual Realities" (Frontiers Research Topic). Once again, we would like to invite you all to submit: As part of this topic, you can submit to the following journals: Frontiers in Psychology Frontiers in Communication Frontiers in Computer science The deadline for full submission is end of May 2023.
We also appreciate your support spreading the word about this call. Best regards, -- ![]() Felipe Reinoso Carvalho f.sound [at] @percepcionysentidos @sonictaste == Te invito a leer mi libro sobre percepción: Un viaje a través de los sentidos ;-) (COL) (WORLD) == ![]() @percepcionysentidos
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