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[AUDITORY] Special session on "Sound Design for Electric Vehicles" at Internoise 2023 – deadline extension

Dear Colleagues,

The 2023 Internoise conference will be held from the 20th to 23rd of August 2023, in Chiba, Greater Tokyo (Japan)  [ https://internoise2023.org ]

Under the General Session #15 «  Sound Quality & Product Noise », we are organizing a Special Session untitled « Sound Design for Electric Vehicles » on behalf of the following arguments :

Electric and Quiet Vehicles are an emblematic and challenging application field for sound design. In fact, it adresses the threefold following issue : i) being functionnaly relevant with respect to

the acoustic feedback of the vehicle but also the regulations contraints; ii) being aesthetically in line with the manufacturers’ brands and models; iii) and last but not least, being ecologically

sustainable, that is mainly to say being fully integrated in their envionments and eco-systems.  This session will be the opportunity to look at the recent developments in that specific domain and,

more broadly, collectively discuss on on acoustic and sonic challenges that the future of mobility will definitely represent in the next decade.

We hope you are interested in that topic and, if so, we would be very pleased if you would like to present your work related to it within this dedicated session.

Let us know your plan and, in case, we are pleased to inform you that abstract submission and registration are now open on the Inter-Noise 2023 website (https://internoise2023.org/abstracts/). 

As shown on the website, the deadline of abstract submission has been extended to 24 February 2023, and the deadline of full paper submission is 19 May 2023.

Note that Inter-Noise 2023 accepts not only On-site Oral/Poster presentations but also On-line Pre-recorded presentations for the participants who cannot travel to Japan. 

Speakers may choose their tentative intention of presentation type in the abstract submission process, and later, they can change it in the paper submission process by the deadline, 19 May 2023. 

Looking forward to getting feedback from you

Best regards

Dr. Nicolas Misdariis (Ircam STMS Lab, France)

Prof. Katsuya Yamauchi (Kyushu University, Japan)

Ing.-Dr. (HDR) – DR Ircam
Resp. équipe Perception & Design Sonores / STMS Lab
 Head of Sound Perception & Design team / STMS Lab
Dir.-adjoint STMS Lab
 Deputy-Dir. STMS Lab

IRCAM - 1, place Igor Stravinsky - 75004 Paris - France
01.4478.1350 – misdariis@xxxxxxxx