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[AUDITORY] Special session on "Sound quality and design" during Forum Acusticum 2023 in Torino / Deadline postponed to February 15th /

Dear Colleagues 

The 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Forum Acusticum 2023, will be held in presence in Torino (Italy), from September 11 to 15, 2023.
The deadline has been extend to the 15th of February that lets you two more weeks to submit an abstract to the Sound quality and design (A18) session organized by Laura Rossi / Doriana Dal Palù / Patrick Susini. 

We encourage you to submit an abstract to one of the following 4 sub-sessions:

Sub-session#1: Sound design in Arts/Movies (A18-01) 
Organizers: Sandra Pauletto / Patrick Susini 

This session aims to broaden the scope of applications often associated with sound design, such as sound design for industrial products, to applications that have historically developed in the fields of theatre, cinema and sonic art. We would like to invite academic experts in these fields to present the ideas that have emerged in connection with the practices and the issues specific to these fields, or to talk about a specific project in terms of sound creation. 

Sub-session#2: From brief to evaluation in the sound design process (A18-02)
Session Organizers: Stefano Delle Monache / Patrick Susini

This session aims to draw attention on the study of and research into the process of designing sound. Regardless of the application field, sound design is either presented as a process naturally or ideally embodied in an overall design process, or as a peculiar iterative process of sound creation and evaluation with its own rules and dynamics. The session welcomes submissions focused on the processual aspects of designing sound, especially from the real-world practice and listening perspectives. Topics include but are not limited to tools and methods in project development, sketching and prototyping, user engagement and participatory approaches, co-design and communication with peers and stakeholders, evaluation practices.

Sub-session#3:Sound design/quality in industrial products (A18-03)
Session Organizers: Nicolas Misdariis / Laura Rossi 

Sound design in industrial design, or said differently product sound design, can be seen as product design with a particular attention to sound. Seminal works have contributed to formalize this domain as an « interdisciplinary approach »  involving acoustics, engineering and psychology – to mention only the main disciplines. These same works, and others, also postulate that product sound design  is mainly motivated by aspects of comfort, functionality and ergonomics or aims to serve hedonic values, in order to improve the global user experience, at the end. This session aims to bring together recent research, current applications or upcoming projects in order to collectively update our knowledge and references in that domain still in evolution, and to open the debate on the role of sound in industrial artefacts, and by the same token, in our everyday life.

Sub-session#4: Sound for care and emotions (A18-04)
Session Organizers: Elif Ozcan / Doriana Dal Palù 

Listening to objects, events and soundscapes is a complex experience that requires perceptual, cognitive and emotional processes and the result of which depends on the context of listening and sound-induced action. In this session, we intend to focus on the themes of “emotion” and/or “care context” to extend our understanding of daily interactions with or via sounds. By doing so, we take a human-centered approach and aim to establish what sound-driven design can offer to improve daily listening experiences.
Papers can be submitted for oral (a 20-minute time slot is allotted) or poster presentation through the Forum Acusticum 2023 website, https://www.fa2023.org.
Submission deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2023, while papers need to be submitted by April 30, 2023. The abstract is 200-words long and authors can submit either a short paper from 2 to 4 pages or a long paper of max. 8 pages. All the papers will undergo a peer review process.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you in Torino!
Doriana Dal Palù, Stefano Delle Monache, Nicolas Misdariis, 
Elif Özcan, Sandra Pauletto, Laura Rossi, Patrick Susini