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Re: [AUDITORY] Chirps with Cochlear Delay

Dear Andrew, dear all,

since this might be interesting to others as well, I’m replying to the list:
I used Torsten Dau’s optimal chirp about 20 years ago in am MEG experiment and had asked him about a Matlab implementation, which he kindly shared under a license that allows distribution. Please find it attached. Since it is now archived on the list server, it will hopefully remain accessible in the future. A Python reimplementation will also be available in the slab toolbox in a week or two.


Attachment: bmchirp.m
Description: Binary data

Dean, Dept of Life Sciences
Professor  of  Neurobiology
Department of Biology
University of Leipzig
Talstrasse 33             __o
04103 Leipzig         _`\<,_
+493419736723    (+) / (+)
& Department of Psychology
University  of  Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

> On 17. Jan 2023, at 23:29, Andrew Levitsky <alevitsk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Auditory List,
> I have been working on a masked ABR experiment and wanted to generate a chirp that compensated for basilar membrane traveling wave delay, akin to what was discussed in the 2010 Chertoff (https://asa.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1121/1.3372756) and 2004 Fobel & Dau (https://asa.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1121/1.1787523) articles. While the articles do include the formulas that they used, I am not sure how to actually apply said formulas in Matlab, or if they are compatible with the built-in chirp function that Matlab has. Does anyone have any advice for generating them in our script?
> Thank you,
> Andrew
> -- 
> Andrew Levitsky
> Research Associate
> Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute
> alevitsk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> M: (908) 420-9917