Dear all,
Find below information about two fully-funded PhD positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
The deadline for both positions is 31 January 2023
1) The first one is a PhD in Sound Computing in the context of the EU MSCA Doctoral Network “Lullabyte” on the effects of music and sound on sleep (PI for KTH: Associate Professor Sandra Pauletto). The network consists of 10 collaborating institutions combining the expertise in sound and music research, psychology, neuroscience, and computer science.
You can find information on how to apply here:
2) The second is a PhD in Sonic Interaction Design in the context of the project “Personalising sonic interactions” funded by the Swedish Research Council (PI: Associate Professor Sandra Pauletto). The project benefits from a collaboration with two leading international scholars: Dr Nicolas Misdariis, IRCAM, Paris, and Prof Salomé Voegelin, University of the Arts London.
You can find information on how to apply here:
For further information, do not hesitate to contact me at pauletto@xxxxxx
Best Wishes, Sandra Pauletto
Dr Sandra Pauletto
Associate Professor in Media Production
Docent in Sound and Music Computing Associate Director for Mobility at Digital Futures
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Email: pauletto@xxxxxx