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[AUDITORY] Seminar Announcement - December 13 - E.A.R.S. (Electronic Auditory Research Seminars)

Dear fellow neuroscientists,

Please join us on Tuesday, December 13 at 1:00 pm EST (UTC-5) for the next edition of E.A.R.S. (Electronic Auditory Research Seminars), a monthly auditory seminar series focused on central auditory processing and circuits.

This session will feature five short talks from trainees:

  • Kameron Clayton (Mass. Eye & Ear, Harvard University): Pumping the brakes: new approaches to reinvigorating hypoactive inhibitory circuits in auditory cortex
  • Carla Griffiths (University College London): Neural correlates of perceptual constancy in the auditory cortex an effect of behavioural training
  • Amy LeMessurier (New York University): Corticofugal contributions to vocalization-guided maternal behavior
  • John Orczyk (University of Pittsburgh): The lifetime of an activity-silent neural correlate of echoic memory is closer to the behavioral ground truth than the lifetime of an activity-based neural correlate
  • Erica Shook (Columbia University): Predictive dynamics improve noise robustness in a deep network model of the human auditory system

IMPORTANT: Please note that we have migrated the seminars to Zoom. You can access the seminars here: https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/95396120820. This link is also posted on our website https://sites.google.com/view/ears2020/home. The E.A.R.S. subscriber list has migrated to the ears-seminar google group, which you can join by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visiting the following link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears2022.

Additional upcoming E.A.R.S seminars (1:00 pm ET):

  • 01/17/2023:     Qiaojie Xiong (Stony Brook University) & Emily Dennis (Princeton University)
  • 02/21/2023:     Sam Norman-Haignere (University of Rochester) & Ross Williamson (University of Pittsburgh)
  • 03/14/2023:     Professional Development session
  • 04/18/2023:     Trainee Talks
  • 05/09/2023:     Charles Anderson (West Virginia University) & Dayo Adewole (University of Pennsylvania)

With kind wishes,

Maria Geffen

Yale Cohen

Steve Eliades

Stephen David

Alexandria Lesicko

Nathan Vogler

Jean-Hugues Lestang

Huaizhen Cai