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[AUDITORY] ICASSP 2023 challenges for SIG, AEC, and DNS

Microsoft is organizing three challenges at ICASSP 2023 to improve speech quality for communication systems.

The first is a new challenge to improve the speech signal. Previous challenges like Deep Noise Suppression and Acoustic Echo Cancellation improve the overall speech quality by reducing background noise or reducing acoustic echo and making calls more duplex. But what if your speech signal is distorted due to a poor-quality microphone, audio clipping, a highly reverberant room, or poor-quality audio processing? This new challenge, ICASSP 2023 Speech Signal Improvement Signal Processing Grand Challenge, addresses those types of issues. Details are at:


The second challenge is the 4th Acoustic Echo Cancellation challenge. This challenge is enhanced by adding a second track for personalized acoustic echo cancellation, reducing the algorithmic latency to 20ms, and including a full-band version of AECMOS. Details are at:


The third challenge is the 5th Deep Noise Suppression challenge. This challenge expands on the personalized noise suppression track in the previous DNS challenge (which had excellent results!) and adds a headset track. Contact dns_challenge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx to register for this challenge.