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[AUDITORY] Sound Spaces team (LAM/d’Alembert Institute, Sorbonne University) is hiring a new research associate in Spatial Audio / Virtual Reality / Room Acoustics / Archaeoacoustics

The Sound Spaces team, led by Brian FG Katz, of the LAM/d’Alembert Institute, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, is looking to hire a new research associate for 1 year, starting in (early) 2023, with possibility of renewal. The team is very active in the fields of spatial audio, virtual/augmented reality, room acoustics, and archaeoacoustics research. We are looking for motivated candidates with experience in at least some of these fields and an interest to cross into new directions/collaborations within the team. 

Candidates with solid experience in journal publications are favoured. Some percentage of research time can also be attributed to new research topics proposed by the candidate, which should be laid out in the motivating letter. Experience with at least some of the following tools (or equivalence) should be made equally evident: MatLab, CATT-Acoustic, Unity, Blender, JUCE, C/C++, Reaper, and Oculus HMD. Experience in designing and carrying out subjective testing is also favoured, as well as acoustic measurements.

Interested candidates should send a CV, a detailed motivation letter, and 2 references that can be contacted by the evaluation committee. 

Contact: mailto:brian.katz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Brian FG Katz : http://www.lam.jussieu.fr/Membres/Katz
Sound Spaces team : http://www.lam.jussieu.fr/index.php?page=Espacesonore
Institut d’Alembert : http://www.dalembert.upmc.fr/

Brian FG Katz, Ph.D, HDR
Research Director, CNRS
Groupe Lutheries - Acoustique - Musique Sorbonne Université, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert bureau 510, 5ème, allé des tours 55-65 4, Place Jussieu
75005 Paris 
Tel: (+33) 01 44 27 80 34
web_perso: http://www.dalembert.upmc.fr/home/katz
web_lab: http://www.dalembert.upmc.fr
web_group: http://www.dalembert.upmc.fr/lam
youtube_group: https://www.youtube.com/c/LAMSorbonneUniversite/videos
facebook_group: @lam.dalembert.upmc https://www.facebook.com/lam.dalembert.upmc/