Scan of article received – thanks very much ~David Fra:
AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> på vegne af "dmorris@xxxxxxxxx" <dmorris@xxxxxxxxx> Dear all, Does anyone have an electronic copy of this article? Matthies, M. L., & Carney, A. E. (1988). A modified speech tracking procedure as a communicative performance measure.
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 31(3), 394–404. The library here is coming up no dice. I think it’s from that hiatus before DOIs, and also before scans were regularly made.
Best wishes David David Jackson Morris, PhD, LTCL Associate Professor/Lektor University of Copenhagen/Københavns Universitet Speech Pathology and Audiology/Audiologopædi Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics/Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Emil Holms Kanal 2 2300 København S