![]() Technoscientific Practices of Music; New Technologies, Instruments and Agents 11 November 2022 | 10:00–16.00 Open Public Event Maijansali, Oodi | Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki We warmly welcome you to the Technoscientific Practices of Music; New Technologies, Instruments and Agents symposium that continues the series of open-public events of the Academy of Finland research project on Digital Musical Interactions. The symposium will discuss the new music technologies as a process / practice / relationship that involves social and technoscientific transformations in view of music, science, philosophy, community of people, non-humans and life-world as a whole. This symposium will bring together expert scholars, artists and practitioners from anthropology and music, new interfaces for musical _expression_, creative computing, sound and music computing and postphenomenology studies. Secure your seat and register here Invited speakers; Adnan Marquez Borbon | Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico, Georgina Born | University College London, Rebecca Fiebrink | University of the Arts London, Owen Green | University of Huddersfield, Michael Gurevich | University of Michigan, Laurens van der Heijden | University of Twente, Anna Xambó Sedó | De Montfort University and Koray Tahiroğlu | Aalto University The symposium is supported by the Academy of Finland (project 316549), Aalto University and Aalto Digital Creatives Aalto University privacy notices -------------------------------------
M.Koray Tahiroğlu Department of Media, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture http://sopi.aalto.fi/ http://dmi.aalto.fi/ https://sopi.aalto.fi/koraytahiroglu/ |