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[AUDITORY] Survey on Interest in Conference on Diversity in the Hearing Professions

Dear Auditory List,

I am part of a group hoping to start a series of Dialogues about how to improve the diversity and inclusiveness of the hearing disciplines. 

Dialogues to RISE:

A series of annual multidisciplinary dialogues and sources of collective action focused on addressing the lack of diversity in the disciplines of audiology, hearing science, otology, and related fields (“the hearing disciplines”).
RISE stands for
1) Recognize that our lack of attention to diversity and inclusion within our professions  has led to severe threats to  inclusive patient care, equitable clinical outcomes, and research that is generalizable across populations. 

2) Improve access, retention, and empowerment  of underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities pursuing advanced training in hearing professions into graduate and medical degrees schools for underrepresented students

3) Support all members of the community in becoming allies through education in appropriate mentorship, sponsorship,  and anti-racism action

4) Evaluate our success regularly and hold ourselves accountable to affecting real change.
The Dialogues to RISE will take place in coordination with an established meeting in the hearing disciplines, rotating among meetings each year.

What I am hoping you can help with is the question of interest. Below is the link to a short survey that asks people if this is something they would find useful and what the logistics should be to make it most likely they could attend. I need these data both to plan the grant and to demonstrate support for the conferences among the target attendees.

Would you be willing to take 5 minutes to tell us if we are doing something interesting and exciting, or if we should come up with a new plan?https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DialoguesToRise

Thanks so much!!



Frederick (Erick) Gallun, PhD | he/him/his

Professor, Oregon Hearing Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University
"Diversity is like being invited to a party, Inclusion is being asked to dance, and Belonging is dancing like no one’s watching" - Gregory Lewis