Colleagues: Please help disseminate this information. Patrick
Postdoctoral Fellow in Cochlear Implants and Neuroimaging Northwestern University McGaw Medical Center is hiring a postdoctoral fellow to study neural predictors of cochlear implant outcomes. The position is based in the Section of Otology & Neurotology within the Division of Otolaryngology at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. The research is part of an ongoing multicenter project to use pre-surgical magnetic resonance imaging to predict post-cochlear implant language outcomes in children funded by the NIH. The long-term goal of this research is to optimize language after implantation by providing the most effective language learning therapy informed by imaging data. This research, led by PI Nancy Young, MD at Lurie Children’s, involves an international collaboration with Multi-PI Patrick Wong, PhD and Northwestern’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. English- and Spanish-learning children will be enrolled in the study. This is a multi-site, international study with plenty of opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary research with the support of an extensive clinical infrastructure. An auxiliary project will be to use functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRs) to study neural changes post-implantation. Individuals with a background in hearing, speech, language and/or cognitive science are encouraged to apply. Clinical experience in audiology is an asset but not required. Research experience with children is desirable. A research doctorate (e.g., PhD) is required at the time of appointment. The anticipated start date is summer or fall 2022 (earlier is possible). The anticipated end date of the project is in 2027. Candidates from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. To express interest, please email Dr. Patrick Wong (p.wong@xxxxxxxxxxx) with CV. Applications are reviewed until the position is filled. ----------------------------
Patrick C. M. Wong
Stanley Ho Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Director, Brain and Mind Institute
Dept. of Linguistics & Modern Languages
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Room G03, Leung Kau Kui Building,
Shatin, N.T.