Dear colleagues and friends,
The website dedicated to abstract
submission is now open up to Decembre 31th.
Submissions will be based on abstracts. The authors of accepted
submissions will be asked to provide a full manuscript that will
receive comments from the other participants and will be
distributed in the form of preprints in open access. In order to
submit an abstract you first need to create an account on our
website. Once you are logged in, the "Submission" page will
Instructions for preparation of an abstract
While preparing your abstract for submission, consider the
following points:
Abstracts need to be between 300 and 500 words, presenting
experimental results except for systematic reviews (reviews
limited to own research, or to a single institution will not be
accepted), and meta-analyses.
Please type the title in normal case rather than Title Case.
The use of references is discouraged. However, if inclusion
of a reference is absolutely necessary, please include only
fully qualified references (by providing either a DOI, or the
journal, volume and page number).
Formatting options are limited. If you need to use indices
and exponents, mark them with ^ and _, for instance x^2 or F_0
for x2 and F0. However, most Unicode characters are accepted,
including math, Greek, or phonetic symbols (e.g. Δ×β≤ə Ş).
Make sure to list all contributing authors. One of the
authors must be designated as the speaker.
Contact as us at info@xxxxxxxxxx
for any question relative to submissions.
Reminder: The 19th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH) will take place on June 19-24, 2022 in Lyon, France.
The meeting will focus on hearing science, with emphasis on psychoacoustics, physiology of hearing, and auditory modelling, from the ear to the brain. Information regarding the meeting will appear on our website and will be distributed through the Auditory List. Submissions will be opened for oral presentations associated with a written proceeding (4 pages minimum) and a few poster presentations without proceeding. The proceedings will be made available in the form of preprints, which will not compromise the future publications of these papers in journals that accept preprints. Each contributing author will be asked to comment on two other papers before the meeting (a full review will not be required). The preprints will be opened to comments from everybody before and after the meeting.
We aim to limit the registration costs (that will include housing, all meals and socials, but exclude transports) to a maximum of 1300 euros. The symposium will be held at the Domaine Saint Joseph (
Important dates (deadlines strictly enforced):
-31/12/2021: Deadline for abstract submission for both oral and poster presentations. Abstracts need to be between 300 and 500 words, presenting the main results except for systematic reviews (reviews limited to own research will not be accepted) and meta-analyses.
Deadline for submitting your application for attendance without presentation/abstract (availabilities for attendance without abstract will be limited, priority will be given to co-authors of accepted submissions).
-28/01/2022 : Notification of Abstract acceptance / Attendance acceptance
-23/02/2022 : Deadline for registration (Payment) with or without submission
-10/04/2022: Deadline for proceeding submission (4 pages minimum)
-06/05/2022: Proceedings made available to all participants and comments opened to all
-19/06/2022: ISH 2022 starts.
We look forward to organizing this meeting and welcoming you in Lyon in 2022!
organizing committee,
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Grimault Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique UMR CNRS 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus 95 boulevard Pinel 69675 Bron Cedex France Vocal: 33 (0)4 81 10 65 73 Email: nicolas.grimault@xxxxxxx ___.-----.______ ___.-----'::::::::::::::::`---.___ _ _ _.--._ (:::;,-----'~~~~~`----::::::::::.. `-. ,-(|)--(|)-. _ .'_---. `--.__ `~~' `~`--.:::::`.. `.. \_ .. _/ ; `-.____.-' ' {0} ` `--._`---.____ `:::::::: : :: \______/ :_^ ~ `--.___ `----.__`----.____ ~::::::.`;': V V ____ :`--.__,-----.___( `---.___ `---.___ `----.___ ~|;:,' : | `.^^`. /^,--` `-.___,---.____ _, ._ `----.____ `----.__ `-----.___;--' ; : \^^^\ (^^\ `---' `. `._ `)) , , , `----.____.----.____ --' :| |^^^| _,-._ \^^\ / `,--.\ `.` ` ` ` , , , _.-- `-----'|' (^^^^\ __ _,-'^^^^^`. _,'^^) _.~~~~~~._____ __./'_/' : .:----.___ ` ` ` `` .-' , , :::' \^^^^`._,-'^^`-._.'^^^^__^^^^ `--'^^^_/ ///--\; ____ : :' ____`---.___.--:: , ` ` ::' \^^^^^ ^^^_^^^^^^^_,-' `.^^^^^^^^_/ `' _.' ( /______ ( `-._ `-._,-' `.____,-' `-.__.' `-.___.' .-' __.-// /_______---' `-._ `. ~~~ ///// `' ~~~~~~ ~~ ______; ::. `'`' /_______ _.' , ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ /___.---' --__ ` ~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------