2021 Intelligent Sensing Winter School 7-10 December
Themes: A fully remote event on AI for sound perception, AI for visual perception, and AI for multimodal perception, featuring international experts presenting their research.
Target audience: Researchers from the industry, Postdocs, PhD & MSc students.
CORSMAL challenge: Attendees will have the possibility to participate in the CORSMAL Challenge and solve a complex task around multimodal, audio and visual data within a limited timeframe. Solutions by the teams will be presented to a judging panel that
will vote the best results. Datasets will be provided.
Platform: Zoom.
Programme: http://cis.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/school2021.html
Registration (free): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2021-intelligent-sensing-winter-school-online-tickets-217479415787 |