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[AUDITORY] COSYNE 2022: Abstract submission closes soon
Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2022 (Cosyne)
17 - 20 March 2022
Lisbon, Portugal
21 - 22 March 2022
Cascais, Portugal
The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function.
The MAIN MEETING is single-track. A set of invited talks is selected by the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. The WORKSHOPS feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small group setting.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed double blind. The deadline for Abstract submission is 20 November 2021.
Cosyne topics include but are not limited to: neural basis of behavior, sensory and motor systems, circuitry, learning, neural coding, natural scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, neuromodulation, and computation with spiking networks.
We would like to foster increased participation from experimental groups as well as computational ones. Please circulate widely and encourage your students and postdocs to apply.
Abstract submission is now open
Abstract submission deadline: 20 November 2021
When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting. Abstracts will be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance, significance, and originality of the work to be presented.
Eugenia Chiappe (Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown)
Albert Compte (IDIBAPS, Barcelona)
Sandeep Robert Datta (Harvard Medical School)
André Fenton (New York University)
Kate Jeffery (University College London)
Ann Hermundstad (Janelia Research Campus, HHMI)
Michael A. Long (New York University)
Christian Machens (Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown)
Asya Rolls (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Susanne Schreiber (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Maryam Shanechi (University of Southern California)
Scott Waddell (University of Oxford)
Martha White (University of Alberta)
General Chairs: Anne-Marie Oswald (U Pittsburgh) and Srdjan Ostojic (Ecole Normale Superieure Paris)
Program Chairs: Laura Busse (LMU Munich) and Tim Vogels (IST Austria)
Workshop Chairs: Anna Schapiro (U Penn) and Blake Richards (McGill)
Tutorial Chair: Kanaka Rajan (Mount Sinai)
DEIA Committee: Gabrielle Gutierrez (Columbia) and Stefano Recanatesi (U Washington)
Undergraduate Travel Chairs: Angela Langdon (Princeton) and Sashank Pisupati (Princeton)
Development Chair: Michael Long (NYU)
Social Media Chair: Grace Lindsay (Columbia)
Audio-Video Media Chair: Carlos Stein Brito (EPFL)
Poster Design: Maja Bialon
Laura Busse (U Munich)
Tim Vogels (IST Austria)
Athena Akrami (UCL)
Omri Barak (Technion)
Brice Bathellier (Paris)
Bing Brunton (U Washington)
Yoram Burak (Hebrew University)
SueYeon Chung (Columbia)
Christine Constantinople (NYU)
Victor de Lafuente (UNAM Mexico)
Jan Drugowitsch (Harvard)
Alexander Ecker (Göttingen)
Tatiana Engel (Cold Spring Harbor)
Annegret Falkner (Princeton)
Kevin Franks (Duke)
Jens Kremkow (Berlin)
Andrew Leifer (Princeton)
Sukbin Lim (Shanghai)
Scott Linderman (Stanford)
Emilie Mace (MPI Neurobiology)
Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL Lausanne)
Ida Momennejad (Microsoft)
Jill O'Reilly (Oxford)
Il Memming Park (Stony Brook)
Adrien Peyrache (McGill Montréal)
Yiota Poirazi (FORCE)
Nathalie Rochefort (Edinburgh)
Cristina Savin (NYU)
Daniela Vallentin (MPI Ornithology)
Brad Wyble (Penn State)
Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago)
Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud)
Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva)
Anthony Zador (CSHL)
meeting [at] cosyne.org
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