We are looking for a PhD student who wants to design and evaluate hearing tests that use Conversational AI. The ideal candidate has a background in machine learning or hearing/audiology/psychology
and is curious about the other fields. (MRC DTP) Conversational AI Audiology: Remote, natural and automated testing of hearing and fitting Application deadline: 12 November 2021 Further details and application: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/mrc-dtp-conversational-ai-audiology-remote-natural-and-automated-testing-of-hearing-and-fitting/?p135615 The competitively funded MRC DTP studentship covers full tuition fees and an annual stipend (approx. £15,600 per annum) for 4 years. Open to international applicants. The project will be supervised by Josef Schlittenlacher and Kevin Munro. The application process has two stages, you will need to convince us and our Doctoral Academy. Therefore,
applicants should contact us informally in addition to submitting a formal application, josef.schlittenlacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Best wishes, Josef |