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[AUDITORY] Virtual BASH (Joint Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing) Oct 7-9

BASH 2021 - 7-8 October 2021


On behalf of our self-appointed organizing committee, I'm happy to remind you that the Joint Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing (BASH) is coming up. This international, virtual event will be held 7-8 October 2021, Boston/Oldenburg time / 8-9 October Sydney time. The format will include talks, vigorous discussion, and opportunities for catching up and socializing. 


The program features an exciting mix of innovative talks from all areas of binaural and spatial hearing. The final program will be arranged–as much as possible–to accommodate participants in diverse time zones (e.g.,EU/USA/AUS). The program will be posted, along with other important information, to the conference website at:  https://binaural.and.spatialhearing.org


The BASH 2021 is free, but registration is required in order to access the virtual conference. To register, please complete the following https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BASHREG2021. Information for accessing the virtual conference will be sent to registered participants approximately one week before the meeting dates. 


If you wish to be removed from the distribution list or would like someone's email address added to the list, then please let us know by responding to this email.  

The Organizing Committee:
Chris Stecker
Erick Gallun
Mathias Dietz
Gin Best
Torben Pastore
Jonas Braasch
Antje Ihlefeld
Owen Brimijoin
Les Bernstein
David McAlpine
Jason Mikiel-Hunter
Robert Luke
Alan Kan
Steve Colburn, Ex Officio