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[AUDITORY] Postdoc position in neuroscience and computational linguistics at University of Geneva

Dear all, 

The Swiss National Center for Competence in Research 'Evolving Language', which involves nearly 40 different research groups from a large variety of disciplines across Switzerland, seeks to fill a two-year postdoc position in neuroscience and computational linguistics. The position is part of the work package "Structure Planning", led by Anne-Lise Giraud in collaboration with the University of Zürich and other NCCR members.

The post-doc will primarily work at the University of Geneva (Campus Biotech) in Giraud's lab but will also spend time at the Department of Comparative Linguistics at the University of Zurich.

Our goal is to understand how hierarchical syntactic structures are generated during speaking in the brain. The postdoc will use intracranial EEG data (e.g. neural oscillations) to study the neural underpinnings of syntactic planning processes in (mostly French) narrative speech, integrating methods from corpus and computational linguistics (e.g. machine learning techniques, information-theoretic measures, etc.) with EEG signals and speech patterns.

More information is available at: https://jobs.unige.ch/www/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=1&p_web_page_id=52211
(English version at the bottom of the page).

Best regards, 

Timothée Proix