This email is to highlight the many opportunities to pursue graduate and post-doctoral level research on the auditory system at the University of Rochester. There are labs across a variety of departments, studying
hearing using cellular, physiological, systems, cognitive, and computational approaches. The U of R also has strong programs and relevant expertise in
audio engineering,
linguistics, and
music. Below, we list labs that are currently interested in taking graduate and postdoctoral students. All PhD applications are through the associated departments, but prospective students are encouraged to contact the
lab head if they are interested in working in that group. Norman-Haignere Lab, Computational Neuroscience of Audition Department of Biostatistics & Computational Biology,
Department of Neuroscience samuel_norman-haignere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Maddox Lab, Auditory and Multisensory Processing Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Neuroscience ross.maddox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Lalor Lab, Computational Cognitive Neurophysiology Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Neuroscience elalor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Carney Lab, Auditory Neuroscience Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Neuroscience laurel_carney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nam Lab, Biomechanics of the Inner Ear Sensory System Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Department of Biomedical Engineering jnam4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |