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[AUDITORY] Open PostDoc position at the ARI/ÖAW, Vienna, Austria

Dear List,

One Post-Doc position (100%, 3 years) is available at the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. ARI is an interdisciplinary research institution covering the fields psychoacoustics, numerical acoustics, acoustical phonetics, and mathematical signal processing.

The position is assigned to the EU Horizon 2020 granted project SONICOM, which deals with the way we interact socially within AR/VR environments. It aims to create a new generation of immersive audio technologies, specifically looking at personalisation and customisation of the audio rendering by means of machine-learning techniques. For more information, see the SONICOM website http://www.sonicom.eu. ARI’s role within SONICOM is the work on immersion, integration, and the development of the SONICOM ecosystem. The successful candidate will work on integrating machine-learning algorithms improving personalized binaural audio, targeting various software and hardware approaches. The successful candidate will be supervised by Piotr Majdak (PI).


Requirements and qualifications:

The position is a full-time position (40h/week) initially limited to three years. The starting date is flexible and will depend on the candidate’s availability. The annual gross salary is € 49.718,34 (before taxes, 14 payments a year) as defined in the collective agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Candidates are asked to send a CV, copies of relevant certificates, and a brief statement describing motivation, personal qualification, and research interests to Piotr Majdak (piotr.majdak@xxxxxxxxxx), who also can be contacted for informal inquiries and questions. Applications will be accepted until an adequate candidate has been found. The first round of evaluation will start in the September 2021.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

Best regards,

Piotr Majdak

Piotr Majdak
Hearing Cluster, Member
Acoustics Research Institute, Deputy Director
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Wien, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 51581-2511