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[AUDITORY] Grey literature request

Dear colleagues, 


I am currently working with a team at Davidson College to conduct a meta-analysis of studies examining short-term and working memory (verbal and visual) in non-implanted deaf signers. We are seeking grey literature on this topic, including unpublished data/manuscripts, manuscripts in preparation, under review, and/or in press, as well as theses, dissertations, and conference proceedings/submissions.  


Please email me with any information you wish to share at  tylermc5@xxxxxx.  


Thank you! 

Tyler McFayden, M.S.
Graduate Clinician and Researcher
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 

Virginia Tech Child Assessment Clinic (CAC) and Child Study Center (CSC): https://childstudycenter.wixsite.com/childstudycenter
Virginia Tech Psychological Services Center (PSC): https://support.psyc.vt.edu/centers/psc
Virginia Tech Center for Autism Research (VTCAR)https://www.vtcar.science.vt.edu/

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