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[AUDITORY] 3D Tune-In Toolkit - new releases of the VST plugins

Dear colleagues,

apologies for cross-posting.

We have now released the new versions of the 3D Tune-In Toolkit VST plugins.

The 3DTI Toolkit is a standard C++ library for headphone-based audio spatialisation, with a hearing loss and hearing aid simulator. It can be accessed open-source through our GitHub account (https://github.com/3DTune-In/3dti_AudioToolkit/).

We have now released five separate VST plugins:
  • Full binaural spatialisation (for spatialising one sound source including anechoic and reverberation renderings within the same interface)
  • Separate anechoic spatialisation and binaural reverberation (two separate plugins, which allow to spatialise multiple sources using one single multichannel bus reverberator, therefore making the processing more efficient - please see the MaxMSP and Reaper examples on how to configure your host/DAW)
  • Hearing loss simulator (implementing also the Baer&Moore frequency smearing algorithm)
  • Hearing aid simulator
You can download these for both MacOS and Windows, together with other releases (including the 3DTI Toolkit standalone application), at the following link:

At the link above you'll also be able to find two videos demonstrating the binaural spatialisation and hearing loss/aid emulation functionalities of the 3DTI Toolkit.

Here you'll be able to find the open-source code:

We are working on the release of the Unity wrapper/asset - this should be ready by the end of the Summer, but if you are interested to try it out please email me sending me a very brief description of the work you are planning to do, and I will send you the compiled version.


Lorenzo & the 3D Tune-In Toolkit developers team at Imperial College London and the University of Malaga.

Dr Lorenzo Picinali
Reader in Audio Experience Design
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Dyson Building
Imperial College Road
South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London
T: 0044 (0)20 7594 8158
E: l.picinali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

