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[AUDITORY] Roadmap paper on Music, computing, and health

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the publication of our roadmap paper: Music, Computing, and Health: A Roadmap for the Current and Future Roles of Music Technology for Health Care and Well-Being in the open-access journal Music & Science, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2059204321997709

The fields of music, health, and technology have seen significant interactions in recent years in developing music technology for health care and well-being. This article is the result of a multi-year collaborative effort from 15 researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, including music psychology and neuroscience, music therapy, music information retrieval, music technology, medical technology (medtech) and robotics. The paper provides an overview of the different methods of the involved disciplines and their potential contributions to developing music technology for health and well-being.

For those of you interested in developing music technology for health care and well-being in an interdisciplinary manner, we hope that the paper provides a useful overview on the state of the art across various health scenarios, as well as perspectives on challenges and opportunities for future developments.

On behalf of all authors:

Kat R. Agres, Rebecca S. Schaefer, Anja Volk (co-first authors),
Susan van Hooren, Andre Holzapfel, Simone Dalla Bella, Meinard Müller, Martina de Witte, Dorien Herremans, Rafael Ramirez Melendez, Mark Neerincx, Sebastian Ruiz, David Meredith, Theo Dimitriadis, Wendy L. Magee.

Dr. Anja Volk | Associate Professor Interaction, Multimedia | MA, MSc, PhD | Department of Information and Computing Sciences | Utrecht University | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CS Utrecht | Buys Ballot Building, room 4.19 | www.uu.nl/staff/AVolk | Editor-in-Chief of Transactions of ISMIR http://tismir.ismir.net