Dear colleagues,
"CORpus, Languages and Interactions" Consortium is interested in knowing what online tools you use to gather or collectively annotate data to conduct your research in linguistics (answers from colleagues in psychoacoustics are also welcome).
This survey can be found at:
You can participate until mid-July.
Don't hesitate to contact me by email or via the link at the bottom of the page if you have any comments ("Pour contacter l'auteur⋅rice de ce formulaire, cliquez ici" means " To contact the author of this form, click here").
Please answer the survey separately for each tool you would like us to know about.
It is anonymous except if you wish to be informed of the results.
Feel free to email me if you wish to be informed of the results but don't have time to answer the survey.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Coralie Vincent
CNRS - Paris