Dear list,
I wanted to thank all those who made it to yesterday’s discussion! It was quite fruitful! As many of you suggested, it would be much better to host our discussions on a platform that is not phone-specific. For this reason, there is now a group
discussion server called Speech and Hearing Sciences on Discord, which may be more appealing for the majority of the people. Kindly find the link here:
The server holds discussions related to speech and hearing research in general, not just cochlear implants. Under this server, we can add subtopics that may be of direct relevance to our research and then people can join and have discussions
there! I have gone and created the first subtopic on CI research.
I am very new to Discord, so I hope this setup works well for all of us interested in taking part in the discussions. If you do encounter issues however, please feel free to let me know and I’ll check if there is something I need to adjust from
my side. For now, I believe anyone joining the server can add their own subtopics.
Regarding the CI research discussion group, those who joined yesterday agreed we should hold a second meeting next month (Wed 28.04 at 19:15 European time). Looking forward to having more people join our next discussion! In the meantime, please
feel free to populate the server with your own relevant discussion topics!
Happy virtual socializing!