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[AUDITORY] [CFP] Eleventh Workshop on Ubiquitous Music (UbiMus 2021)

++  Eleventh Workshop on Ubiquitous Music (UbiMus 2021)
++  6-8 September 2021 
++  https://dei.fe.up.pt/ubimus/

++  please distribute
++  apologies for cross-posting 

++  Paper and Music submissions deadline: 16 April 2021  ++

Ubiquitous Music is an interdisciplinary research area that combines methodologies from music, computer science, education, creativity studies, human sciences and engineering. The Eleventh Workshop on Ubiquitous Music will be held on 6-8 September at CARA, Matosinhos, Portugal as a hybrid (online and on-site) format. Researchers working on ubiquitous music topics are invited to submit proposals, initial results and complete research projects. The workshop will adopt Portuguese, Spanish and English as working languages.

++  Suggested topics (not exclusive):
  • Ecologically grounded creative practice 
  • Ubimus approaches to web and mobile audio 
  • Everyday musical creativity 
  • Ubimus improvisation and comprovisation
  • Ubiquitous, embedded and mobile computing in ubimus 
  • The Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT), musical robotics and dew computing 
  • Collaborative and dialogic music practices in educational settings
  • Lay-musician interaction
  • Sonification, musication and auditory display in Ubimus
  • Timbre interaction in ubimus contexts
  • Domestic ubimus
  • Computational creativity in ubimus endeavours

++  Call for Papers
Please submit your research as full papers or short papers (work-in-progress), with a maximum of 12 and 4 pages, respectively, including references and acknowledgements. Papers may be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; should adhere strictly to the Ubimus template and submitted as a PDF. All submissions will be thoroughly peer-reviewed in a double-blind process. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and under consideration for special issues of the Claves Journal and the Handbook of Ubiquitous Music.

++  Call for Music
Please submit artistic proposals to be presented in the workshop venue and in the online programme. Works must feature a strong connection with the workshop topics. Extended abstracts of no more than 2 pages detailing the artistic submission should be written in either English, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted as PDF in Easychair using the Ubimus templates. Please clearly specify all requirements and setup time for the performance on a detailed technical rider. There are no a priori restrictions to the setup if the authors guarantee the necessary equipment (the venue will be equipped with a stereo sound system). Sonic materials and artistic media should be made available for download through a link to a cloud service. The artistic submissions are not anonymous. 

++  Keynote Speakers
Elaine Chew | CNRS | IRCAM | King’s College London
Daniela Coimbra | ESMAE-IPP

best wishes,

Gilberto Bernardes | University of Porto | INESC TEC
