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[AUDITORY] i3DA Conference: Special Session on 6DoF Audio [UPDATED DEADLINE]

— Apologies for cross-posting — 

Dear colleagues,

The abstract submission deadline for the i3DA conference has now been postponed to 22 March 2021. We are still accepting submissions to the special session on 6DoF Audio. Please consider submitting you work.

Best regards,


Huseyin Hacihabiboglu, Ph.D., SMIEEE
Associate Professor of Signal Processing
Informatics Institute, METU, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
tel: +90 312 2107889
e-mail: hhuseyin@xxxxxxxxxxx | web: www.hacihabiboglu.org
voip: husshho (skype) | twitter: @hacihabiboglu

CFP: Special Session on Six degrees-of-freedom audio @i3da

Special Session on Six degrees-of-freedom audio (6DoF Audio)

International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA) 8-10 September 2021, Bologna, Italy https://www.i3da.eu

NOTE: With reference to the current PANDEMIC crisis, we will consider whether convert the face-to-face Conference into a web conference, or to postpone the Conference to Spring 2022. Any decision on this subject will be taken by the Organising Committee in June 2021.

Aims and Scope

Navigability is the next frontier in immersive content. Next-generation immersive systems allow their users to experience content not only through head motions but also by translations in 3D space. Such kind of immersiveness has been present from the outset in virtual, augmented, and mixed reality systems that primarily rely on the rendering of sources in 3D space by parametric synthesis approaches, supplemented by artificial reverberation. However, the capture, processing, and rendering of real acoustic scenes have mostly been overlooked until the second half of the last decade. Recent developments in technologies that allow displaying audiovisual scenes brought forth the concept of 3DoF+ content that allows small translational displacements of the user and 6DoF content that allows translational movement in a wider region. Standardisation activities in ISO/IEC MPEG that started with MPEG-H to enable object-based content, and the ongoing efforts with the MPEG-I standard to enable navigable content are paving the way for unprecedented levels of immersion. 

This special session will provide a venue for sharing the latest results and high-quality research ideas on all aspects of 3DoF+ and 6DoF audio. The topics of interest for the session include but are not limited to:

• Capture of 3DoF+ and 6DoF audio

• Parametric and object-based approaches to 3DoF+ and 6DoF audio

• Sound field interpolation and extrapolation

• Rendering of 6DoF audio

• Perceptual aspects of navigation in 6DoF audio environments

• Coding and compression of 3DoF+ and 6DoF audio

• Use cases (music, audiovisual arts, journalism, architecture etc.)

Conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and SCOPUS.       

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for consideration in special issues with the partner journals indexed on Scopus and WoS.

1) Journal of the Audio Engineering Society

2) Building Acoustics

3) Applied Sciences


September 21, 2020: online abstract submission open

March 22, 2021: final deadline for abstract submission [UPDATED]

March 29, 2021: notification of abstract acceptance [UPDATED]

May 21, 2021: deadline for full paper submission [UPDATED]

June 21, 2021: notification of full paper review results

July 21, 2021: deadline for final paper submission
