Audio Mostly - virtual conference
1-3 September 2021
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Audio Mostly 2021 calls for Papers, Demos, Workshops, and Music
& Installations on the topic of “Sonic experiences in the era of the Internet of Sounds”.
Audio Mostly is an audio-focused interdisciplinary conference on design,
technology, and interaction with sound that embraces applied theory and
practice-oriented research. Its annual gatherings bring together thinkers
and doers from academia and industry that share an interest in sonic interaction
and the use of audio for interface design. This remit covers product design,
auditory display, computer games and virtual environments, new musical instruments,
as well as education and workplace tools. It further includes fields such as the
psychology of sound and music, cultural studies, system engineering, and
everything in between in which sonic interaction plays a role.
As in previous years, the conference is planned to be in-cooperation with ACM/SIGCHI.
The conference will be held in virtual form on 1-3 September 2021.
# Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 1, 2021
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2021
Camera-ready submissions: July 15, 2021
Early registration deadline: July 1, 2021
Conference: September 1-3, 2021
# Call for Papers
Please submit your research as full papers (5-8 pages) or short papers
(4 pages). Both will be fully peer-reviewed in a double blind process.
Accepted papers are planned to be published in the ACM Digital Library.
# Call for Demos
We encourage authors to contribute demonstrations to be displayed at the
conference. Demos require a paper submission.
# Call for WorkshopsWe invite proposals for workshops to be held at AM'21. We encourage hands-on/interactive workshops and regular workshops that last from 2 hours to a full day. Workshops are proposed in the form of a submitted paper.
# Call for Music & InstallationsWe invite submissions of short music pieces with a maximum length of 7 minutes and sound-based installations around the conference theme “Sonic experiences in the era of the Internet of Sounds”. We especially encourage submissions of networked music performances and any musical work dealing with local or remote networks.
# AwardsThe Organizing Committee will assign the Best paper award, Best poster award, Best student paper award, Best music award, and Best demo/installation award.
# Keynote speakers
- Prof. Bob Sturm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
- Prof. Marianna Obrist (University College London)
- Prof. Paola Cesari (University of Verona)
# Sponsors
- D'Angelo Audio (
For any question about the conference you can contact the organization by sending an email to am21@xxxxxxxx