Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you that applications are now being accepted for the University of Rochester NSF Research Experience for
Undergraduates (REU) program on Computational
Methods for Understanding Music, Media, and Minds for Summer 2021. Students
in the REU will work on projects in exciting, interdisciplinary research areas that combine machine learning, audio engineering, music theory, and cognitive science. Students will be mentored by faculty members drawn from Computer Science, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Brain and Cognitive Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Physics.
The REU experience will also include:
• A programming boot camp to help students learn or improve programming skills in the Python language.
• Workshops on topics such as career planning and preparing for graduate school.
• Networking opportunities
The application deadline for the program is February 7, 2021.
Elise Piazza
Assistant Professor
University of Rochester