Dear list, This upcoming virtual event could be of interest: Acoutect ( is a European project running from January 2017 until December 2020. Acoutect marries “Acoustics”
and “Architect” and responds to the important role that Acousticians have in the design of modern buildings. The overarching aim of Acoutect is to set up a PhD training network on building acoustics and react to the acoustic challenges stemming from modern
building concepts to deliver sustainable indoor environments with respect to health and well-being.
As the project is now coming to an end, the final symposium will be organized on
21-22 January 2021. The event will be online, free of charge and
accessible to everyone so feel free to join! More information on the program and registration are available on the flyer of the event (see attachment). Very best, Julie Meyer |
Description: Flyer_Acoutect_FinalSymposium.pdf