University of Texas at Austin Provost’s Early Career Fellowship Program Area: Pediatric Communication Disorders
The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) at The University of Texas at Austin is soliciting applications from early career researchers, postdoctoral fellows, or graduating PhD students interested in pursuing independent academic careers. Successful applicants will complete a 2-year postdoctoral training experience under the primary mentorship of SLHS faculty and with support from the Provost’s Early Career Fellowship Program ( The goal of this university-wide program is to provide fellows with mentorship in the areas of scholarship, research, and teaching that make an assistant tenure-track professor successful. The Department of SLHS and The Moody College of Communication are committed to achieving diversity in its faculty, students, and curriculum, and it welcomes applicants who can contribute to achieving these objectives.
We are seeking outstanding candidates for this postdoctoral training program who have experience and interest in pediatric communication disorders with emphasis on diverse populations. We welcome candidates whose experiences and credentials to date have prepared them to address health disparities in unserved and underserved pediatric populations with communication disorders. All relevant research areas in pediatric speech-pathology and audiology will be considered; however, special consideration will be given to research foci in the areas of child language, cultural and linguistic diversity, cochlear implants, auditory processing disorders, and vestibular disorders.
To guide their fellowship program, fellows will establish a transdisciplinary mentorship team at UT Austin based on their research and training goals. Fellows will work closely with their mentorship teams to outline a trajectory for their postdoctoral experience and further develop ideas in their early-career research programs. We encourage applicants to identify potential mentors both in SLHS and other departments at UT Austin. During year 1, fellows will participate in intensive grant writing seminars to develop skills required to support programmatic research throughout their careers; the product of this experience will be a complete grant application suitable for NIH or NSF submission. During year 2, fellows will receive additional training related to transitioning from postdoctoral researchers to junior faculty. This training will focus on publication and scholarship; research “branding”; the academic job search; and collegiate teaching. Throughout the duration of the program, fellows will also participate in university-wide training provided by the Provost’s Office to further develop the skills to build a unique research and teaching portfolio.
The SLHS Department at UT Austin is home to nationally ranked programs in speech language pathology and audiology and has a vibrant and productive research culture. Postdoctoral fellows will have access to the active research labs of current faculty, with over $12.3 million in federal funding and over $13 million in gifts/endowments, as well as state-of-the-art technology to conduct research including (but not limited to): electrocorticography, electroencephalography, fMRI/MRI, fNIRs, and otoacoustic emissions. Fellows will also have access to the UT Speech and Hearing Clinic that serves a diverse population of persons with communication disorders. The Provost’s Early Career Fellowship Program funding package includes a competitive stipend, fringe benefits, relocation funds, travel funds, and discretionary funds to support research projects.
Interested applicants should submit: 1. A personal statement in which they describe their previous research experience and future goals. Applicants are encouraged to identify other potential departments and/or researchers across UT Austin with whom they would like to collaborate (e.g., Human Development and Family Sciences, Educational Psychology, Dell Medical School, Neuroscience) 2. Curriculum vitae, 3. Names of three references.
Applications must be made via Interfolio's ByCommittee solution. If you do not have a Dossier account with Interfolio, you will be prompted to create one before applying for the position. If you have questions about using Interfolio, please email help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or call (877) 997-8807. The application deadline is 1/15/2021.
Click The Following Link To Submit Application
Contact Fellowship Coordinators for Inquiries: Mary Beth Schmitt, marybeth.schmitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or Spencer Smith, spencer.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have questions about the position.
The University of Texas at Austin is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. SPENCER SMITH,
Ph.D., Au.D. Assistant Professor Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences | Moody College of Communication | The University of Texas at Austin 512-471-4119 |