[Apologies for cross-posting]
Dear all,
I'm running an online study and would like to invite you to participate.
This study takes the form of an online listening test. In which you will be presented with a series of alternating listening tasks.
The first listening task requires you to rate a bass guitar performance based on a small number of different aspects that relate to the performance. You are also invited to add your
own adjectives that describe the performance in an additional comment box. To ensure consistency between performances they have each been rendered using a physical model of a bass guitar.
The second listening task will require you to listen to a short (~3 second) excerpt of different ambient field recordings, after which you will be asked to indicate what word the
recording suggests to you.
Overall the study will take around 60 minutes to complete.
Full information for participants and participation link can be found at:
Many, many thanks in advance and thank you for your time.
Best wishes,
Callum Goddard
Teaching Fellow
PhD Student
Media and Arts Technology
Queen Mary University of London