Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for high-fidelity recordings of natural cocktail party or other complex acoustic background scenes.
By “natural” I mean recorded in actual settings (cocktail parties, restaurants, hospitals, subways/trains/buses, etc.), preferably with a microphone location that could represent where a human might actually be listening to the scene (rather than,
say, a mic suspended from the ceiling or something similar).
By “background” I mean true background scenes with no near-field talkers speaking directly into the microphone.
By “high fidelity” I mean:
Original recording sampling rate at least 44.1 kHz
Flat microphone response to 20 kHz
At least 16-bit precision preferred
COVID is preventing me from making my own recordings, so I’d greatly appreciate it if anyone has any you’d be willing to share (or know of any publicly available) that meet, or nearly meet, these criteria.
Many thanks,
Brian B. Monson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Speech and Hearing Science
Neuroscience Program
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
901 S Sixth St, Rm 223
Champaign, IL 61820
217-300-6212 | monson@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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