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[AUDITORY] Updated GUI interface for Auditory Neural Models

Dear Colleagues,

      We have recently posted updated Matlab code for a GUI interface for our physiological modeling code: UR_EAR_2020b.
The GUI allows users to display population responses for model Auditory-Nerve Fibers and AM-tuned Inferior Colliculus neurons.

Several ‘standard’ stimuli are available in a drop-down menu; alternatively, audiofiles can be used as input stimuli.
     The Code is available on the Open Science Framework: Computational Models: https://osf.io/6bsnt/
In addition to Matlab source code, standalone executable versions are available for Windows 10, Mac, and Linux.
     Please send feedback or questions – we’re continuing to develop this tool.
Stay Well,  Laurel


Laurel H. Carney, PhD

Marylou Ingram Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Rochester

URMC Rm 5-6438

Tel: 585-276-3948

Laurel.Carney AT Rochester.edu
