Dear all,
We are happy to inform you that the
abstract submission,
registration for presenters, and early-registration
for the VCCA2020 virtual conference on June 19 went live! The deadline for abstract submission is May
31. Notification of abstract acceptance will be June 5.
Please be aware that the number of tickets for the virtual conference is limited. So if you would like to participate don’t wait too long to submit.
We added computational infrastructure as a topic for the conference.
We also consider to organize workshops about no-touch audiology services, patient involvement, and building apps for auditory experiments.
Ever imagined how to scale up your auditory experiment from a 100 to a 100,000 subjects? See this
exciting blog about issues that need to be addressed to scale up auditory experiments.
If you're interested to join Elle's workshop on computational infrastructure on June 19 during the VCCA2020 conference, don't forget to fill out the questionnaire and/or if you have suggestions leave a comment in response to her blog
We also welcome contributions in the form of blog or reviews to our website. The purpose of this
neutral forum/website is to share knowledge about computational
audiology. The forum is also used to host the VCCA2020 conference. If you’re interested you can send a text or a proposal to
info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to get it published on the forum.
Best regards,
The organizing committee,
Yağmur Güçlütürk, Peter van Hengel, Emmanuel Mylanus, Jan de Laat, Alex Tichter, and Jan-Willem Wasmann
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jan-Willem Wasmann, MSc
Klinisch fysicus - Audioloog
T (024) 361 04 26 M 93178
Aanwezig: ma, di, do, vrij
Radboud universitair medisch centrum
Audiologisch Centrum/Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde
Postbus 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen
Philips van Leijdenlaan 15 (route 384)
Van: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Namens Barbour, Dennis
Verzonden: zondag 26 april 2020 0:13
Aan: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Onderwerp: [AUDITORY] First Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA): June 19, 2020
Dear List,
It is our pleasure to send out this Save the Date and Call for Abstracts for the first
Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) to be held on June 19, 2020!
In these times of social distancing, we intend to use the opportunities offered by modern communication technology to bring researchers from all over the world together in a virtual conference setting. What better topic than the combination of audiology — the
primary sense humans use for communication — and AI/computation — an advanced means by which we try to model and make sense of the world?
We have subdivided this broad topic into:
• Machine learning for audiology
• AI for auditory implants
• e-Audiology (connected hearing health care)
• AI & Music (for hearing impaired people)
Our central mission is to improve (access to) hearing healthcare for more than 450 million hearing impaired people worldwide. The target audience for this conference is young researchers that wish to present
their work and ideas. We offer a podium to receive feedback from peers and to get mentored by senior researchers. The choice for a virtual conference means:
• There will be no participation fee
• We can more easily reach out to research groups in AI and Audiology worldwide.
There is a young scientist award for the best contribution to encourage input from young scientists.
All presentations and discussions will be recorded and together with the submitted abstracts made freely accessible via our website. We would like to
take advantage of the virtual aspects of this conference by creating sessions that consist of a mixture of different talk and discussion formats and distribute time slots over a 24 hour period. We provide the opportunity for researchers and research groups
to submit one-minute videos explaining their work, which will be placed on the conference website. We also offer the opportunity to submit links to research group websites and announcements of webinars to be placed on the conference website. Last but not least,
we will encourage social interaction by providing virtual “coffee breaks” and other social activities.
Abstract submission
Abstracts of 300+/- words in length will be accepted online and must include Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions (click this link,
for an example).
Submissions must include an e-mail address for all co-presenters/co-authors, and we strongly recommend the inclusion of a 2-minute ignite style video (here
on this page is a 2-minute example by Prof Barbour).
Abstract submission deadline is May 31, 2020 (we’ll try to upload abstract starting May 15, 2020).
Notification of abstract acceptance will be June 5, 2020.
the Organizing Committee
Yağmur Güçlütürk
Peter van Hengel
Alex Tichter
Jan-Willem Wasmann
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