Dear colleagues,
We are organizing a special session proposal titled "Machine Learning and Signal Processing for Autonomous Systems" at the IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing - MLSP ( to be held on September 21–24, 2020 in Espoo, Finland*. We hope that you would be interested in submitting a paper to the special session, and thus help us promote autonomous systems into signal processing and machine learning venues, such as MLSP.
Autonomous systems are one of the most important current trends in research and development: robots, driverless vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles are becoming a more integral part of our society every day. This special session aims to look at the application of signal processing and machine learning to autonomous systems, in an attempt to boost synergies between those fields and encourage the realization of machine learning and signal processing algorithms aware of autonomous system constraints.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Machine Learning/AI and Signal Processing for...
* Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Robotic Applications
* Safety & Security of Autonomous Systems
* Control Systems
* Environment Perception/Modelling for Autonomous Systems
* Sensors Data Processing/Fusion for Autonomous Systems
* Modelling Uncertainty in Autonomous Systems
* Navigation/Localization of Autonomous Systems
* Communication among Autonomous Systems
* Simulations for Autonomous Systems
Organisation committee:
Nazre Batool:
nazre.batool@xxxxxxxxxx - Scania’s Autonomous Transport Solutions, Sweden
Letizia Marchegiani:
lm@xxxxxxxxx - Aalborg University, Denmark
Sahar Abbaspour:
sahar.abbaspur@xxxxxxxxx - Volvo Car Corporation, Sweden
Jesper Rindom Jensen:
jrj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - Aalborg University, Denmark
Deadline for paper submission is April 19, 2020.
More information about submitting papers to MLSP and the special session can be found here: The organizers are following the COVID-19 situation closely, but remain optimistic that concerns will subside by September. However, in any case, they will ensure that:
- it is possible to present your scientific contribution to the MLSP2020 audience (either in person or remotely).
- the accepted papers will be published.
Looking forward to your contributions.
Best wishes,
(on behalf of the organisation committee)