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Re: [AUDITORY] Question on Daniel & Weber (1997) roughness model

Dear Stephen, hello,

The Daniel & Weber model is already implemented in MATLAB. It is available within the PsySound3 toolbox (http://psysound.wikidot.com/). The code was programmed by my former colleague from Eindhoven Prof. Dik Hermes. The model is implemented in a very transparent way, I was able to reproduce very faithfully at some point (a couple of years ago) almost all figures from the Daniel & Weber paper.

Regarding the code itself, it is possible to extract the codes from PsySound (each "analyser" within the toolbox is stored in a different folder) to use the model without having to run the graphical interface. I can provide that "stand-alone code" if your colleague is interested...

Please have a look at the code and I will be happy to provide further feedback/support to you or your colleague. 

Alejandro Osses V., Ph.D.

Postdoctoral researcher,
Hearing Technology @ WAVES, 
Department of Information Technology (INTEC)
Ghent University

Email: alejandro.osses@xxxxxxxx
Address: iGent | Technologiepark 126, 9052 Ghent
Website: www.waves.intec.ugent.be

Op do 5 mrt. 2020 om 06:24 schreef Stephen McAdams, Prof. <stephen.mcadams@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear colleagues,

I have a colleague who is trying to implement the Daniel & Weber roughness model in code (from their 1997 Acta Acustica paper).

He started to implement it, but ran into some small roadblocks, mainly involving functions that depend on visual plots for their values. For example, a_0(f) in the last paragraph of p. 116 appears to be defined only by a plot from Zwicker and Fastl, figure 8.18 in the 3rd ed. Is there an analytic model for it somewhere, or at least a table of values? Likewise for the weighting functions H_i, defined graphically on p. 117, and for g(z_i) on p. 118, defined graphically in Aures 1985, p. 277.

Many thanks for your help,
Stephen McAdams