This is a PhD position at the research group ExpORL, the Department of Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Belgium and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters. In this project we will develop a clinically applicable objective method for the fitting of cochlear implants. The work involves the development of novel test procedures of EEG-based objective measures in the human brain, as well as the clinical translation of these methods. This will be done by improving current electrically-evoked auditory brainstem response and auditory steady-state response measurement paradigms, and by developing a clinically feasibly and fully objective fitting method for cochlear implants.
We seek a highly motivated candidate that holds a Master’s degree in Audiology, Neuroscience, Physics, Biomedical engineering, Electrical engineering, or similar profile. Candidates with a proficient knowledge of the Dutch language are especially encouraged to apply. Experience with programming (e.g., Matlab, Python, or R) and/or EEG processing or other electrophysiology techniques is a surplus.
Please see the link for more information about the position and how to apply.
For more information please contact Prof. dr. Jan Wouters: jan.wouters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best Regards,
Robin Gransier