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[AUDITORY] Postdoc fellowship in Audiovisual Localization and Tracking by Mobile Agents at University of Udine

Dear List,

A one-year position as a postdoctoral fellow is available at the AViReS 
Lab ( https://avires.dimi.uniud.it ) of the Department of Mathematics, 
Computer Science and Physics (DMIF), University of Udine.

The postdoc fellow will work with an interdisciplinary team of 
experienced researchers in the fields of array signal processing, 
computer vision, machine learning, robotics. The goals of his research 
will be to develop specific methods and algorithms allowing to improve 
the effectiveness of localization and tracking of a moving target 
through the dynamic reconfiguration of a sensor network, to study the 
integration possibilities of acoustic and optical sensors with respect 
to the problem under study, to address application scenarios related to 
the use of mobile robotic platforms, in particular aerial drones (UAVs 
and MAVs) equipped with acoustic and optical sensors.

Application deadline is March 17, 2020 at 02:00 p.m. (Italian time).

Please refer to the attached pdf file and contact Prof. Carlo Drioli 
(carlo.drioli@xxxxxxxx) for further questions. Detailed information and 
directions to apply can be found at the following link: 

Carlo Drioli, PhD
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics
University of Udine
Via delle Scienze, 206
33100 Udine
phone: +39-0432-558448
email: carlo.drioli@xxxxxxxx

Attachment: DRN_91_2020_Notice of competition_.pdf
Description: DRN_91_2020_Notice of competition_.pdf