Dear list, A PhD student scholarship is available as part of a collaborative project between the Bionics Institute and the School of Engineering at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. The project aims
to address the poor outcomes of up to one third of new adult cochlear implant recipients. The PhD student will develop new signal processing methods to examine connectivity between multisensory language areas in the cortex using functional near infrared spectroscopy
(fNIRS) in cochlear implant users. For more information, please see the full scholarship announcement: To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and university transcripts to: student.enquiries@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For more information about the project itself or about the Bionics Institute, please email myself at:
mshader@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Best Regards, Maureen Maureen Shader Post-doctoral Research Fellow 384-388 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Office: +61 3 9667 7500 This email is private and confidential to the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient please do not copy it, circulate it or take any action in
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