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[AUDITORY] Mechanics of Hearing Workshop (MOH2020) - Call for abstracts!

Dear List!

It is my pleasure to send out the first call for abstracts in
connection with the "Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2020" (MOH2020) in
Helsingør, Denmark.

--- HERE IT COMES! ---

Call for abstracts

Dear colleagues,

We hereby invite abstracts for the 14th Mechanics of Hearing Workshop
(MOH2020) in Denmark. This interdisciplinary conference brings together
researchers from a variety of fields (e.g., physics, physiology,
mathematics, molecular biology, engineering, neuroscience,
psychophysics) to discuss recent developments in the study of the
peripheral auditory system.

Time and Location: 
MOH2020 will take place during July 05-10, 2020 in Helsingør, Denmark.
The workshop will be held at Konventum, a conference center north of
Copenhagen. There will be ample opportunity for critical scientific
discussion amongst the beautiful northern tip of Sjælland with a view
over the Øresund to Sweden, along with various options for recreation
(walking, mountainbiking, arts, ...). It allows for convenient
international travel from Copenhagen Kastrup airport by direct train

Registration will open in January 2020.

Submission of abstracts: 
There will be a variety of plenary and contributed talks, as well
posters. Please submit your abstracts online:


Oral and poster presentations: Dec.15, 2019
Late submission (posters only): can be extended to March 15, 2020
The specific theme of MoH2020 will be "Nonlinearity and Hearing". We
highlight translational aspects of auditory research by utilizing that
Denmark plays a major international role in the fields of hearing
technology, diagnosis, and the pharmaceutical industry. We focus on
synergistic connections between fundamental science and the development
of innovative ideas and technologies in diagnosis and rehabilitation to
tackle the relevant questions society will face in the future. It
includes: 1) the role of nonlinear dynamics in sensory systems and how
it can be utilized in hearing sciences; 2) limitations of current
diagnostic and rehabilitative techniques that can be overcome by recent
progress in the fields of imaging and auditory signal processing. These
areas are intimately connected by the dynamics of the auditory
periphery as nonlinear dynamics all experimental outcome measures, and
novel insights gained through application of, e.g., optical coherence
tomography (OCT) challenge our models of the micromechanics in the
cochlea and the middle ear.

Consistent with previous meetings, the Workshop will primarily focus on
the biomechanics, biophysics, and cellular/molecular physiology of the
peripheral auditory system with a good balance between experimental
work and modeling.

Contributions related to the mechanics of non-mammalian auditory and
vestibular systems are encouraged, as is research examining the
evolution of hearing. Furthermore, researchers studying other senses
(e.g., vision, touch) are encouraged to attend in order to make broader
biophysical connections. Lastly, MoH2020 will aim to stimulate interest
beyond just the periphery (i.e., the brain) as advancements in the
knowledge of central auditory processing can help inform and frame
studies of the cochlea.

Scholarship: Students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to
attend. Attractive travel awards will be provided on a competitive
basis. To apply for a scholarship, please send (after submission of
your abstract) an email to moh2020@xxxxxx with the subject
[Scholarship] and attach 1) a letter of motivation, 2) a recommendation
letter of a research mentor and 3) a short CV.

More information and important dates can be found at: 

Adding to the mailing list: If you wish to be added to future mailings,
please visit this link and fill out the requested info 

Looking forward to receiving your abstract and seeing you next summer!

And please forward this email to interested colleagues, students, and
postdocs. For questions, please feel free to contact us under 

For the organizing committee,
Bastian Epp (DTU)
Wei Dong (VA Loma Linda)

--- THERE IT WAS ! ---

Greets and looking forward to seeing you in DK!


Bastian Epp
Associate Professor

DTU Healthtech    
Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads
Building 352, Room 118
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Direct +45 45253953