Dear Colleague, Claudia Fritz and I are organizing a structured session about music and perception at the next European Acoustic Meeting (Forum Acusticum) in Lyon from April 20th to April 24th 2020 ( This structured session is
rather original as it is at the interface between musical acoustic
(musical instrument) and psychological acoustic (music perception).
I guess that this meeting might then be a good opportunity for
such an interaction to occur. Consequently, I hope that this session might interest you and
that you will be interested to present your work. Please forward
this call to your colleagues working about music as the number,
quality and diversity of the presentations will enhance the
quality of the scientific exchanges we could have together during
the session. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Grimault Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique UMR CNRS 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon Université Lyon 1 50 Av. Tony Garnier 69366 Lyon Cedex 07 France Vocal: 33 (0)4 37 28 74 91 Fax: 33 (0)4 37 28 76 01 Email: nicolas.grimault@xxxxxxx ___.-----.______ ___.-----'::::::::::::::::`---.___ _.--._ (:::;,-----'~~~~~`----::::::::::.. `-. _ .'_---. `--.__ `~~' `~`--.:::::`.. `.. ; `-.____.-' ' {0} ` `--._`---.____ `:::::::: : :: :_^ ~ `--.___ `----.__`----.____ ~::::::.`;': :`--.__,-----.___( `---.___ `---.___ `----.___ ~|;:,' : | `-.___,---.____ _, ._ `----.____ `----.__ `-----.___;--' ; : `---' `. `._ `)) , , , `----.____.----.____ --' :| / `,--.\ `.` ` ` ` , , , _.-- `-----'|' _.~~~~~~._____ __./'_/' : .:----.___ ` ` ` `` .-' , , :::' ///--\; ____ : :' ____`---.___.--:: , ` ` ::' `' _.' ( /______ ( `-._ `-._,-' .-' __.-// /_______---' `-._ `. ~~~ ///// `' ~~~~~~ ~~ ______; ::. `'`' /_______ _.' , ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ /___.---' --__ ` ~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- |