Dear all, please see attached / below re: a faculty opening at University of Iowa. Thank you. The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa is seeking applications for an open-rank, tenure-track faculty position in
Audiology/Hearing Science. The ideal candidate would have research expertise in one or more of the following areas: pediatric audiology, hearing enhancement technology (i.e., hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or assistive listening devices), or auditory
physiology /psychoacoustics. The successful candidate will be expected to establish and/or maintain an active research program, mentor doctoral (Ph.D. and/or Au.D.) students and teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in their area of expertise. The Department
of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa is one of the top-ranked programs in the nation. The Speech and Hearing Clinic provides high quality and comprehensive training opportunities for audiology graduate students and serves both
adult and pediatric patients. The Ph.D. program is robust, highly respected, and enjoys strong support from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. CSD faculty actively collaborate with individuals from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
as well as with individuals from the Colleges of Medicine (Otolaryngology / Neurosurgery), Engineering, Public Health, and School of Music. Additionally, there are many other exciting and innovative programs available to faculty from CSD, including the Center
for Development and Learning from Theory to Application, the multidisciplinary Center for Disabilities and Development, the Iowa Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program, and Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience. Desired Qualifications1) Clinical certification; 2) Demonstrated interest in working across disciplinary boundaries; 3) Evidence of
leadership in university or professional contexts commensurate with rank. Screening of applicants will begin Dec. 1, 2019. Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, letter of application, research and teaching statements, and three letters of
recommendation at:
For questions or additional information: Carolyn J. Brown, PhD, Search Committee Chair
carolyn-brown@xxxxxxxxx Viral Tejani, Au.D., Ph.D. Audiologist / Assistant Professor Cochlear Implant Program University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Notice: This UI Health Care e-mail (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete or destroy all copies of the original message and attachments thereto. Email sent to or from UI Health Care may be retained as required by law or regulation. Thank you. |
Description: UI_Faculty_Position.pdf