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[AUDITORY] Hurricane Challenge 2.0 open now

Dear List,

It is our pleasure to announce and invite you to
participate in the second *Hurricane Challenge*!

As the previous challenge presented at Interspeech 2013,
Hurricane 2.0 addresses algorithms for the modification
of natural or synthetic speech to improve intelligibility
in known noise and room conditions.

This challenge will focus on more realistic background
noises, reverberant rooms and of course recent advances
in speech enhancement.

Participants will be provided with a corpus of recorded
sentences in three languages (German, English, Spanish)
along with separate noise signals at a number of SNRs as
well as room impulse responses.

The task is to modify the speech to promote its
intelligibility under constraints on changes in RMS level
and duration.

Modified speech signals will be evaluated centrally by
large native listener samples in each of the three

Results of the Challenge are intended to be disseminated
either at a Special Session of Interspeech 2020 or at a
satellite workshop, and will be returned to participants
well before the Interspeech 2020 paper deadline.

The deadline for expressing your intention to participate

    *31st October 2019*.

For more details, see the Challenge website


and reach out to us via email:

Please forward this invitation to participate to colleagues
who may be interested.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Best regards
The organizing team Jan, Henning, Martin, Cassia

ps. --- apologies for cross-posting ---

-- Dr. rer. nat. Jan Rennies-Hochmuth
Head of Personalized Hearing Systems
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT
Branch Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology HSA
Marie-Curie-Strasse 2
26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Phone  +49 441 2172-433
Fax    +49 441 2172-450
Mobile +49 176 22043331
mailto: jan.rennies-hochmuth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: HC2.0_PromotionPoster.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document