BASIC AUDITORY SCIENCE MEETING 2019 Abstract Submission and Early Registration Deadline Monday 15th July 2019 Two weeks to the 15th July abstract submission deadline and early registration deadline for the Basic Auditory Science Meeting 2019! To register please visit Basic
Science 2019 Registration. To submit an abstract, please download the attached abstract template, peruse the example abstract, and email your own abstract to EAR.bas2019@xxxxxxxxx by Monday 15th July 2019. Additionally: we would be grateful for your views regarding options for making future
Basic Auditory
Science meetings more inclusive to parents of young children. We have set up a (very brief!!) survey to gauge opinion. Please participate; it takes only a few moments. Survey:
Auditory Science
Meeting Timing and E-Conference Preferences Finally, please bookmark the
Auditory Science 2019 website for updates about the meeting. Maria Chait PhD Professor of Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
Lab site: UCL Ear Institute 332 Gray's Inn Road London WC1X 8EE |
Description: bas2019_abstract_template.docx