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[AUDITORY] Call for Papers: Cognitive based music informatics research (CogMIR)

CogMIR 2019


August 08, 2019

Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY


The seventh seminar on cognitively based music informatics research (CogMIR) will take place on August 08, 2019 at the Tow Center for the Performing Arts, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY. We are pleased to invite the submission of abstracts for spoken or poster presentations.  Abstract submissions concerning research on the following topics are especially welcome:

- Cognitively based approaches to music information retrieval (including music recommendation and music streaming systems)

- Cognitively based approaches to computational musicology (including music analysis)

- Cognitively based approaches to music generation

- Computational modeling of music similarity

- Computational modeling of music emotion


Abstracts of no longer than 200 words should describe the motivation, methodology, results and conclusions of research. Do not send abstracts as an attachment. Please type the abstract directly into the body of your email with a complete list of authors and their affiliations. Please indicate preference for poster or paper presentation. Also mention if you want to be considered for a Best Student Poster/Talk award. Abstract submissions should be emailed to: cogmir2019@xxxxxxxxxx


Important Dates:

Deadline for abstracts: April 21, 2019

Notification of acceptance: May 08, 2019

Deadline for early registration: July 08, 2019

One-day Seminar: August 08, 2019


Seminar Organizers: Naresh Vempala, Johanna Devaney, and Frank Russo