Dear colleagues,
We have an exciting project on voice perception and its relation to speech perception (for example, in cocktail party listening and with multiple talkers) in normal and impaired hearing, funded by an NWO VICI grant. We are now seeking a motivated, enthusiastic,
and technically strong postdoctoral researcher to join us.
Our group is highly interdisciplinary and multinational, with many local, national, and international collaborations, and hosted both at the university and at the hospital, which altogether present a stimulating working environment. We have facilities for psycho-physics/behavioral tests, eye tracking, and EEG.
Groningen is a lovely city in the Northern part of the Netherlands, ranking high in categories of best student city, best bike city, and best liked by inhabitants, and also hosts a beautiful flower market every spring.
For more details on the position and to apply:
For more information about the speech lab, see the PI's website:
For more information about Groningen: Best, Deniz Baskent
Prof. dr. D. Başkent Department of Otorhinolaryngology
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience University of Groningen (RUG) Tel: +31 (0) 50 3612665 (Ms. J. Breetveld) e-mail: d.baskent@xxxxxxx, d.baskent@xxxxxx
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