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[AUDITORY] Call for summer research interns - Walter Reed-Bethesda, Audiology & Speech Pathology Center
We are currently accepting applications for the 2019 summer research internship program within the
Scientific and Clinical Studies Section of the Audiology and Speech Pathology Center at Walter Reed
National Military Medical Center. The positions are funded by ORISE and managed by the Army Public
Health Center. We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated undergraduate and graduate students who
have an interest in clinical and applied research. Students must be currently enrolled in or planning to attend
in the fall a program of study in the area of hearing and speech sciences, communication disorders,
neuroscience, engineering, or related fields (e.g., bioengineering, linguistics, cognitive neuropsychology).
Depending on areas of interest and qualifications, summer research interns will assist with subject
recruitment, data collection, data analysis, engineering and programming of research tools, or associated
administrative tasks. Students will be assigned to one or two studies, and will assist with additional studies
as needed, pending availability. Interns will be under the supervision of one or two principal investigator(s).
Current research projects include:
prevalence of auditory processing disorders
cochlear implants and single-sided deafness
effect of tinnitus on concentration
sound localization
speech perception
auditory-visual speech processing
comparison of auditory and auditory-visual situational awareness and listening effort
speech and language impairments after traumatic brain injury
upper airway imaging
The internship position is full-time (40 hours/week) with an approximate start date of June 3, 2019 and an
end date of August 16, 2019. ORISE will provide a monthly stipend. Interns who are accepted will go
through a government security clearance, which requires an extensive application and fingerprinting.
Parking is not available on campus; students are advised to use public transportation (the Medical Center
Metro Station is across the street from Walter Reed).
Interested students should submit the following:
Letter of interest
Curriculum vitae/resume (list 2-3 references)
All materials should be e-mailed to LaGuinn Sherlock, Au.D., at laguinn.p.sherlock.civ@xxxxxxxx. Selected
students will be contacted to schedule an initial interview by phone.
The deadline for submission is February 15, 2019.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sherlock by phone at (301) 400-1458 or by
e-mail at laguinn.p.sherlock.civ@xxxxxxxx.
LaGuinn P. Sherlock, Au.D., CCC-A
Research Audiologist
US Army Public Health Center
Current Duty Station:
National Military Audiology and Speech Pathology Center
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Bldg. 19, Fl. 5
4954 North Palmer Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20889